As I grew older, my tastes for nicer equipment also evolved. Enter the 35mm era.
With a new Canon AE-1 and AT-1 in hand, my arsenal of lenses also grew. This larger format pushed my photo-taking to a whole new level.
Then one day a wild thought entered my mind. Why not make money at the hobby I so dearly love?
After suffering through some fairly stressful wedding shoots, several portrait shoots, and a short stint with making "Personalized Photo Clocks" photography hobby came to a screeching hault. Burnout set in...and I lost all interest in taking another photo.
Years went by with hardly a press of the shutter button...
Fast forward to March of 2004. On my 48th birthday my wife Julla gave me my very first "digital" camera. An Olympus 4.1 megapixel pocket camera. Brilliant technology to say the least. Not only was there no film to load or develop, but you could also share your photos with friends and relatives (across the planet) in just seconds. Who'd a thunk?
Four years later I added a Panasonic 8.0 megapixel camera to my camera bag. Gotta love technology!
My dear wife Julia knew that it was time for me to take that next step forward. For Christmas of 2014 she bought me my 1st DSLR...a Canon Rebel T5i with a whopping 18 million pixels. To that I've since added a Canon 7D Mark II.
Pixels, pixels, pixels galore!!
Early Years
Photography is without a doubt one of my favorite pastimes.
The photo above shows my very first two cameras back in those early years. A "Sabre 620" and a "Polaroid Swinger".
One had black and white "roll film" that you had to send away for developing, and the other produced really horrible black and white photos right before your eyes. Cool!!
My passion for photography
35mm Era
Pixels, Pixels, Pixels
"A great photographer can make a great photograph with any camera. A poor photographer can make a poor photograph with the world’s most expensive camera."
Author unknown...